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  1. Great book – i couldn’t stop reading it. I know it will help me become a better player and coach

  2. How can I change my password to something I can remember, instead of the one you assigned to me?

    Jack Utley DMD.

    P.S. Great book. Go Erik and Dave!

    • Sorry, Jack, the plugin we use doesn’t make it possible to change the password. There are a number of password managers and things that we hope can make this easier, and many browsers will save your password as well.

      P.S. Thanks for the compliment!

  3. Excellent book; a must for every golfer that is serious about improving; along with a season long coaching program based on Lowest Score Wins; I am now consistently shooting in the 70’s with my goal of shooting my age before I am 70 now in sight.
    Dennis Zukiwsky age 66
    Red Deer Alberta Canada

  4. Awesome book! Great for my two sons who are wanting to play golf in college. Excited to share this book and key strategies to help them get better faster.

  5. Confident you have already been informed but on page 154 the verbiage below the images is not correct. it states the image on the right has nine shots on the green and goes on to say the image on the right has eight shots? Should it not say left on second reference?

    • Thank you. That’s one of three typos/mistakes we’ve found in over ten years. (There’s a part where we meant to type “sand” but typed “send” I think, and we have an “and” ending one line and also starting the next line, so it’s technically “and and” in the sentence, IIRC.

      You’re right: the eight shots are the left image.

      Thanks for the comment, and we hope you enjoyed pages 1-153 and 155 onward.

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